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How to choose the type of fire extinguisher?
Updated:2024.04.03 Source:Yuhuan Fujie Fire Technology Co., Ltd Clicks:

There are many types of fire extinguishers, and different types are tailored to different situations. So how to choose the type of fire extinguisher?
1. Refers to fires caused by combustible gases such as coal gas, natural gas, methane, etc. Dry powder fire extinguishers and halogenated alkane fire extinguishers can be used.
2. It refers to the fire caused by the combustion of charged objects, which can be extinguished using carbon dioxide, dry powder, or halogenated alkane fire extinguishers (water is prohibited).
3. Dry powder fire extinguishers, foam fire extinguishers and halon fire extinguishers can be used for fires involving nail, B and C liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, methanol, etc.
4. It refers to the fire caused by the combustion of solid combustible materials containing carbon, such as wood, cotton wool, hemp, paper, etc. Water type extinguisher, foam extinguisher, dry powder extinguisher and halon extinguisher can be used.
5. It refers to the fire caused by combustible and active metals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc., and can be treated with dry sand cast iron powder.
Fujie Fire Equipment reminds that the type of fire extinguisher can be selected according to the actual situation.